
The purpose of test fixtures is to ease the writing of test functions by providing informations and data automatically. You may find more documentation on pytest fixture in its official documentation. We describe here the fixtures defined in pytest-executable. They are used in the default test module, give a look at it for usage examples, see Builtin test module.

Runner fixture

This fixture is used to run executable, it will do the following:

  • get the runner script passed to the pytest command line option --runner,

  • process it to replace the placeholders {{nproc}} and {{output_path}} with their actual values,

  • write it to the shell script in the test case output directory.

The runner object provided by the fixture can be executed with the run() method which will return the exit status of the script execution. The value 0 of the exit status means a successful execution.

Output path fixture

This fixture is used to get the absolute path to the output directory of a test case. It provides the output_path variable that holds a Path object.

Tolerances fixture

This fixture is used to get the values of the tolerances defined in the test_case.yaml. It provides the tolerances dictionary that binds the name of a quantity to an object that has 2 attributes:

  • rel: the relative tolerance,

  • abs: the absolute tolerance.

Regression path fixture

This fixture is used to get the absolute path to the directory that contains the regression reference of a test case when the command line option --regression-root is used. It provides the regression_path variable that holds a Path object.

You may use this fixture with the output_path fixture to get the path to the file that shall be compared to a reference file.