

Anaconda or miniconda version 2019.07 or above is required, it can be downloaded from Once anaconda is installed (see here if you need to define a proxy), create the anaconda environment with

make environment

Now activate the anaconda environment with

conda activate test-tools

The remaining of this guide assumes you are in that environment. When you are done with pytest-executable and wish to leave the environment, execute

conda deactivate


Install for development

Install for development if you intend to modify pytest-executable and have your modifications usable in the environment, i.e. without having to to do a reinstallation after a modification. To do so run

make develop

You may also use this command to update an existing anaconda environment, for instance after updating your local git clone or if you add packages dependencies.

Install for usage only

If you only need to use pytest-executable without having to modify it, run

make install

You may also use this command to update an existing anaconda environment, for instance after updating your local git clone or if you add packages dependencies.


To generate the documentation, run

make doc

Then open doc/build/html/index.html from a web browser.

Testing the tool

The tests can be run with

make test

You shall run them when you modify or update pytest-executable. All the tests shall be OK, otherwise you shall not use pytest-executable and contact the support team.