Add a post-processing

This section show how to a add post-processing that will be run by pytest-executable.

Pytest functions

In a test case input directory, create a python module with a name starting by test_. Then in that module, create pytest functions with a name starting by test_. Those functions will be executed and pytest will catch the assert statements to determine if the processing done by a function is considered as passed or failed. The outcome of a function could also be skipped if for some reason no assertion could be evaluated. If an exception is raised in a function, the function execution will be considered as failed.

The functions are executed is a defined order: first by the test directory name, then by the module name and finally by the function name. The sorting is done by alphabetical order. There are 2 exceptions to this behavior:

  • the test_case.yaml file is always processes before all other modules in a given directory

  • a module in a parent directory is always run after the modules in the children directories, this allows for gathering the results from the children directories

The pytest functions shall take advantages of the fixtures for automatically retrieved data from the execution context, such as the informations stored in the test_case.yaml or the path to the current output directory.

See Fixtures for more informations on fixtures.

See Builtin test module for pytest function examples.

Best practices

Script naming

If a post-processing script has the same name in different test case directories then each of those directories shall have a file so pytest can use them.

External python module

If you import an external python module in a pytest function, you shall use the following code snippet to prevent pytest from failing if the module is not available.

                    reason='skip test because external_module cannot be imported')
from external_module import a_function, a_class

If the external module is installed in an enviroment not compatible with the anaconda environment of pytest-executable, then execute the module through a subprocess call. For instance:

import subprocess
command = 'python'